To increase motivation?
To uplevel your life?
To feel excited about your goals?


From adolescents struggling with low motivation to high-level executives and professionals seeking clarity and accountability, I’m here to maximize your potential and help you create a roadmap you’re excited to follow.

“My 16-year-old daughter had a hard time expressing her emotions — so even entertaining the idea of seeking help was difficult to discuss. After a “no pressure” intake call with Dr. Melanie, my daughter felt comfortable enough to begin. And that was the first small step we all needed. After our initial six months, our daughter chose to continue her sessions, and the improvement in her confidence and belief in herself has been remarkable.

Nisha A (mother of teen client)

This is for the person who is…

You have too many ideas and dreams, causing you to get distracted and off track. You don’t know where to go next or what step to take because there are too many options!

I’ll help you or your teen:

  • Narrow down the vision

  • Focus on their passions and interests

  • Align actions with values

  • Create a system to that ensures success


You have a very specific vision but don’t know how to reach it. You’re confident in what you want but need some help creating a roadmap to get there. You often get lost in the day-to-day tasks and get frustrated.

I’ll help you or your teen:

  • Identify barriers

  • Decrease time-suckers and distractions

  • Write up a road map with every step

  • Achieve meaningful goals


You haven’t quite figured out who you are or what you want but are motivated to learn, grow, and develop. You want to move forward and need help figuring out which direction to go. You love to do well in the things you’re interested in.

I’ll help you or your teen:

  • Build self-awareness

  • Find the passions in life

  • Create a future version of yourself you can strive for

  • Create realistic goals to get there


“I’ve been navigating a black diamond season of life, personally and professionally, while juggling high-stakes events and performances that I need to deliver upon at the same time. I knew Dr. Melanie from other work and was aware of her strengths: trust, humility, expertise, practical advice, compassion, and heart—an unmatched combo! In our time together, I started treating myself as an athlete and training to live a life full out.

I have high expectations for myself and my life, and I'm high on octane. Yet, Dr. Melanie has given me the tools to train accordingly and find a way to be "content and driven" simultaneously. She taught me the power of recovery, which doesn't always "look" how you might expect.”

Amy Jo M



Trained in clinical psychology, counseling, and high-flow neuroscience, I love helping people better understand how the brain works so you can tap into your full potential.



Individualized curriculum tailored to you or your teen’s specific needs using evidence-based strategies and my years of experience.

12 Months with Flexible Scheduling

You get to choose how to use your 30 sessions over 12 months. Weekly, biweekly, or as needed. Mix and match!

Homework Assignments

Homework assignments to stay on track with accountability from me to ensure you’re meeting your goals.

Weekly Private Meetings

Weekly private virtual meetings via a HIPAA compliant and secure network.

Ongoing Text or Email Support

The option to email or text in between sessions for additional accountability and support.

“Both our kids were in traditional therapy and not getting anywhere. We realized that about a year into therapy, they didn't need help dissecting the past but needed help in the present day and planning for the future. Traditional therapy just wasn't the right fit. I found Dr. McNally via Instagram and started following her. I was excited to see her posts and learn about her approach, as it seemed to be exactly what our kids needed.

Dr. McNally's kind, supportive demeanor resonated with both my teenagers, and they have both worked with Dr. McNally. They have learned new ways to frame their thoughts, how understand and develop their life values and plan for their futures, but we saw the biggest impact from her working with our 17-year-old son.

Our son went from a narrow-minded approach to his future (specifically around college) to an open mind, exploring a variety of colleges, thinking outside the box, working on his life values, and how to use those values to help shape his future. Dr. McNally even taught our son how to organize and schedule his life so he could learn to prioritize time doing what he loves most: being outside. Our son just graduated high school and is heading to a college that wasn't even on his radar 18 months ago; I am convinced we are where we are today with our kids because Dr. McNally has a gift for working with teens.

My kids are thriving, and so much of the credit goes to Dr. McNally; she has done what we as parents couldn't do for our kids, partly because we lack the skill set and mostly because teenagers don't want advice or coaching from parents!”

Kristen C (mother of two teen clients)

The Custom, Individualized Curriculum Includes:

  • A focus on awareness of emotions, thoughts, and actions

  • Aligning values with actions

  • Figuring out love and loathe

  • Identifying, setting, and reaching energetically invigorating goals

  • Creating a vision of the future self you want to be

  • Developing a road map how to get to the future self

  • Learning how to tune out what’s not aligned with future selves or goals



I left the world of therapy behind and entered coaching because I wanted to have parental involvement when working with teens. Teens don’t exist in a vacuum and I want you to know what we’re working on and how you can best support your teen.

As a parent, you’ll get:

Parent Sessions

You can schedule parent support sessions as often as you want where we focus on strategies for you to use at home.

Progress Updates

Progress updates via email about individualized curriculum so you know what we’re working on and how you can support.

Optional Sessions

Option to meet as a family where we come together with your teen to work out specific problems or issues.

“I started working with Dr. Melanie at a critical intersection in my personal and professional life. When I came to Dr. Melanie, I was in constant analysis paralysis, struggling to decide what I wanted in the next season of my career out of fear of making the “wrong decision.” I appreciated Dr. Melanie’s scientific and empathetic approach to problem-solving. As a pragmatic and high-achieving executive, the blend of traditional therapy practices with neuroscience and tactical tools I could use really resonated in clarifying my next steps and feeling confident in navigating the hurdles in pursuing that path.

During my time with Dr. Melanie I learned how to see my people-pleasing tendencies in a different light (stripped of shame) and how to align my actions and priorities with my core values and goals. With Dr. Melanie’s support I have the tools to take control of my schedule and days to feel fulfilled in my professional life and find a balance between my personal and professional life that I have not previously found.”

Britt H



Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

Book a free consultation today to begin!

Helping you or your teen get the most out of life

This is truly a unique experience that combines everything I love- my years of experience as a clinical psychologist, my training and education in counseling and psychology, and my work with hundreds of people.

Ready to get started?

To start the process, click the button below to set up an initial consultation. We’ll talk and see if coaching is a good fit and if so, we’ll figure out when we can get started.

Please know that space is limited for one-on-one support.

“We sought out Melanie when our 13-year-old daughter began to lose confidence. Until 13, she'd been an outspoken, fearless kid, but she was beginning to shrink into the background.  She's enjoyed her time with Melanie and has learned practical tools and exercises to build confidence and help her determine who she wants to become and how she navigates the world/school. We've seen her soar this past year since working with Melanie.  She joined the school play, tried choir for the first time and even joined a rock band (as a drummer)!”

Shelby S (mother of teen client)

The Nitty Gritty

  • We’ll discuss the investment you’re making in yourself or your teen during the free consultation. Payment plans are available, but we’ll talk about the logistics during our call.

  • You can expect changes in mindset, actions, and to chart a course based on your true self. You will align your actions with your values, learn to express your feelings and thoughts in ways that are healthy, and will learn how to self-regulate better than before. You or your teen will set and reach goals, build self-confidence, and become more resilient.

  • We can always extend private coaching for another 3, 6, or 12 months, depending on individual needs. As our coaching time comes to an end, we’ll evaluate goals and see what the next steps are.

  • It’s important that your teen wants to participate in coaching. They need to have some level of motivation in order to truly benefit. If they’re not quite ready for private coaching, we can still chat about ways I can support you, the parent instead.

  • Absolutely not! This is your life and these are your goals. If they’re paying, we’ll discuss how boundaries will work and privacy will be protected throughout your coaching experience.

  • The detailed information in coaching sessions is private; however, parents of tweens and teens will receive progress emails about the general curriculum we’re working on, how to talk about what we’re working on, and how to do some of the work themselves so they’re modeling healthy behaviors at home.

“My teen daughter was with Melanie for over 1.5 years and was one of the first kids to experience Melanie as a Coach when she shifted her practice. Our entire family loves Melanie—but most importantly, my daughter loves Melanie.

She felt like she had someone "on her side" all the time and that she could discuss any situation holding her back from her goals. In her own words, "She is always available when you need her—she is always there to help." Additionally, they set goals together and visualize making them come to life.

We had a couple of teen moments that I personally did not know who to navigate.  Melanie met with my husband and I several times,  to level-set us on "how" concerned we should be and laid out the paths to navigate new stages with our teen. I could text her when I needed to and she was always responsive.

She even collaborated with my daughter’s school counselor on a game plan to help my daughter learn to help herself (and other things). Our experience was A+ and Melanie is now a solid member of our family for life.

Kari D. (mother of teen client)